A little bit more about me

Kelvin over at Moments in Time has tagged me and would like me to answer a few questions about myself. Well, I’m not going to do any tagging myself (am I being a spoilsport there?), but I am happy to answer the questions that have been set. However, if anyone else wishes to answer the questions too, feel free to do so in the comments, or let me know that you’ve put a post up on your own blog.

Without further a do:

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?

I was enjoying lots of university stuff before it was even my turn to be at university. How greedy. And I met the most wonderful girl around. Fast forward 10 years and now we’re married. All together now, “Ahh!”

2. What 5 Things are on my to-do list for today (in no particular order)?

  • talk to my son who is still in his mummy’s tummy;
  • read starred posts in Google Reader;
  • write a number of things (this is several to-dos put into one here);
  • organise book shelves and get rid of some books I’ve finished with (can I cope with saying goodbye to any of them…?);
  • finish cutting the tree back and getting rid of weeds in the garden.

3. What snacks do I enjoy?

Snacks of almost any kind are yum, sweet or savoury. In terms of sweet treats, Jaffa Cakes and Cadbury’s Creme Eggs are a couple of favourites. By no means are they the only ones!

4. What would I do if I were a billionaire?

  • Begin a charitable foundation to support the mentoring and life-coaching of students.
  • Donate money to charities that look to help those people who don’t know about uni and its benefits, and to help those who might not have the same opportunities as others.
  • Give generously to the universities that have already helped shape my life.
  • Invest in fresh and exciting business projects of uni students while they are still studying.
  • As for myself…I would probably buy a house. And some luxury port and whisky. And a Nikon D3.

5. What 3 bad habits do I have?

  • Multitasking, even when I know it’s not productive. I just fall into it and then have words with myself. Having words doesn’t seem to help…I eventually fall into it again. Doh!
  • Not setting enough ‘me’ relaxation time.
  • Breaking into song at inappropriate times.

6. 5 places I have lived:

London Borough of Hillingdon, Brunel University campus, West Downs Student Village, Winchester, and sunny Bucks.

7. 5 jobs I have had:

Senior Student @ Uni, worked at MoD (secret, but unexciting), classical music specialist, project co-ordinator, then back to clerical/administrative work in higher education. HE is where I wish to remain.


  1. Oh yes! Now I know more about you, your goals, and influences. Thanks for answering the questions and just writing a good blog. Continue the good work. Again, thanks!

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